Mold Removal in Naples, Cape Coral, and Bonita Springs, Florida

You are currently viewing Mold Removal in Naples, Cape Coral, and Bonita Springs, Florida

Despite the rapidly growing body of knowledge about mold, it remains the subject of a lot of confusion. Mold is a recurring nuisance indoors, causing discolorations on walls and posing health risks to building occupants.

Fortunately, there are companies with teams who are trained and skilled in mold remediation, such as ServiceMaster by Wright. Learn about mold and how our experts can assist you with your mold problems in your Naples, Cape Coral, or Bonita Springs, Florida property.

What is Mold?

Types of Mold Commonly Found in Homes







Removing Mold

Many retail products are designed to get rid of mold but won’t treat the wood or surface to prevent mold from growing again. A mold removal company will use commercial products to ensure that the mold cleanup is effective and preventative.

Schedule a Mold Removal Appointment in Naples, Florida

ServiceMaster by Wright of Naples, FL a professional mold removal company that will ensure that every area that mold is growing on is properly addressed and cleaned.

Call us at (239) 431-9947 for emergencies or connect with us online to schedule an appointment.

Mold Damage ServiceMaster by Wright

We are committed to providing quality mold remediation service to Southwest Florida, Collier, Lee, Manatee and Sarasota Counties’ homes and businesses. Contact us today.